Before the 1950 [UK] election the following question was asked in a Gallup poll: Would you vote Liberal if you thought the Liberals could win? To this question, no less than 38 per cent replied `yes' -- 28 per cent more than then intended to vote Liberal and 29 per cent more than actually did so. That is to say, the votes of more than one-quarter of the entire electorate were determined less by what they themselves wanted than by what they guessed most of the other electors to want. Knowing that this was so, the larger parties ...devoted much of their efforts to the capture of potential Liberal voters, not by extolling their own virtues or by attacking any feature of the Liberal programme, but by persuading the electors that the Liberal candidates had no chance -- `a vote for the Liberal is a vote wasted'.Enid Lakeman, 1974 [63]
Suppose that there were a voting procedure that offered a straightforward strategy to every voter, whatever his preference scale .... A straightforward procedure would have immense advantages. No voter would ever need to hesitate how to cast his vote: the outcome of the voting would never depend upon the voters' erratic predictions how others are going to vote. We might well be willing to tolerate considerable deviation from the fairest outcome for the sake of such advantages.Michael Dummett, 1984 [40]
Situations often arise in which groups must make a decision between three or more alternatives. However, there is no uniquely optimal way to make such a decision. A wide variety of voting methods have been proposed: some take into account only each voter's first choice, some take into account complete preference orderings, and some take into account the intensity of preferences. There are many techniques for aggregating preference information; often the election outcome is highly dependent on the voting method used. Advances in computer and telecommunications technology make feasible new techniques for collecting and aggregating ballots. In this dissertation we explore a novel group decision-making procedure made practical through such advances, and examine its ability to improve the decision-making process.
In a traditional election with three or more alternatives, some voters
develop personal strategies to determine which alternative to
select [24]. These strategies may take into account the
voter's preferences for each candidate and the voter's estimate of the
likelihood that each candidate will win the election. For example,
voters may develop a strategy in which they vote for their most
preferred alternative only if they believe that candidate has a ``good
chance'' of winning. As illustrated in Figure ,
these voters may consider the results of pre-election polls to
determine which alternatives meet their good-chance criteria before
mentally evaluating their strategies. They express the result of this
personal decision-making process in the form of a vote. However,
traditional election results cannot distinguish between voters who
vote for their sincerely preferred alternative regardless of other
factors and those who base their votes on a strategy such as the one
described above; this dilemma frustrates attempts at analyzing
election results. In addition, inequalities in voters' access to
information about the preferences of other voters and in knowledge
about how to formulate optimal strategies may result in some voters
having more power to influence the outcome of the election than their
less informed peers.
Figure: Voting strategies in traditional elections
We present declared-strategy voting (DSV), a novel group
decision-making procedure in which preference is specified using
voting strategies -- first-order mathematical functions that specify
a choice in terms of zero or more parameters. In a DSV system,
illustrated in Figure , each voter submits a
strategy that a computer resolves into a simple choice by substituting
actual values for parameters. Parameters may include the percentage
of counted ballots that select a particular candidate and the
percentage of ballots already counted (or other measures of the
``maturity of the election''). In Chapter 4, we present the design of
an automated strategy formulator that will produce an optimal strategy
for every voter from straightforward inputs.
Figure: Voting strategies in declared-strategy elections
When a decision must be made between three or more alternatives, the
outcome can depend on the voting method used. For example, plurality
voting selects the alternative most preferred by the most people,
while Borda count voting tends to produce more of a compromise
alternative (both of these procedures will be described in
Chapter ). But every non-dictatorial and
deterministic voting method is subject to manipulation by voters who
develop mental voting strategies and cast votes that misrepresent
their sincere preferences. Declared-strategy voting
dramatically reduces the opportunities for voters to benefit by
misrepresenting their preferences, thus providing analysts with more
accurate information about the true preferences of the electorate than
can be obtained with traditional voting systems. This, in turn, may
provide policy-makers with more accurate information on which to base
their decisions. In addition, by minimizing the advantage gained by
voters with access to the information needed to manipulate,
declared-strategy voting provides voters with more equal opportunities
to influence the election outcome.
Declared-strategy voting may be used in situations in which a single policy-maker bases a decision on the results of a non-binding survey, as well as in situations where a group makes a decision through a binding vote. Thus, the use of DSV may affect the ability of policy-makers to make the best decision, the ability of voters and survey respondents to express their preferences effectively, and the ability of analysts to interpret election results. DSV also impacts the result of the decision-making process itself, and thus affects all those for whom the decision is relevant.
The goal of this research is to determine whether declared-strategy voting can be an effective tool for group decision-making. This research focuses on exploring and refining the declared-strategy voting concept, assessing the potential impacts of declared strategy voting, and evaluating the effectiveness of declared strategy voting for group decision-making. This research makes several contributions:
This dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter
provides background information about many types of vote aggregation
and ballot collection systems and introduces terminology that will be
used throughout this text. Chapter
explains the
motivations for declared-strategy voting and the overall design of a
DSV system. Chapter
presents the details of
rational-strategy formulation. Chapter
DSV and presents some examples of its use. Chapter
presents our conclusions and proposes areas for future work.