Switzerland Trip! (part 7)

[Previous post: part 6]

On our last full day of our trip we took the cog train down the mountain from Glion to Montreaux and then took a train to Geneva and walked to our hotel from the train station. We took a walk to see the Jet d’Eau (an enormous fountain in Lake Geneva) and the flower clock. After hearing so many cow bells all week I felt compelled to buy my own.

We walked to the higher elevation part of town to St. Pierre Cathedral. We climbed up the circular stair case to the towers and enjoyed the views. We were surprised (and delighted) to see an old toilet in the room at the top of one of the church towers.

After touring the inside of the church we went around back and toured the archeological site under the church.

On the way back to our hotel we stopped to buy some chocolate to bring home. We enjoyed dinner at a Swiss restaurant and then took a walk past the Lake Geneva sites lit up at night. The next day we took a quick train to the Geneva airport and flew home.