We all woke up early and headed to the airport. Our flight to Denver was uneventful. Nina talked the whole way there. Shane read back issues of Wired. Everyone liked getting snacks on the plane. Grandma Connie and Papa Morris picked us up at the airport and drove us to Keystone.
Shane on the flight to Colorado
Nina on the flight to Colorado
Maya at keystone
Our first hike was the Aqueduct trail hike. It was a pretty easy hike, but we did have to be careful to avoid stepping in the horse poop. We especially liked walking across the beams and looking at the Aspen trees.
Aqueduct trail hike
Connie, Chuck, Shane, Nina, Maya, Morris on Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike, view of Sts Johns condo
Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Nina, Connie, and Chuck on Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Morris, Maya, and Shane on Aqueduct trail hike
flowers on Aqueduct trail hike
Morris, Chuck, Maya, Nina, Shane, and Connie on Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Maya, Morris, and Shane on Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Chuck and Nina on Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Shane on Aqueduct trail hike
Nina and Maya on Aqueduct trail hike
Chuck and Nina on Aqueduct trail hike getting a rock out of Nina's shoe
Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Sts John condo viewed from Aqueduct trail hike
Connie on Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Aqueduct trail hike
Connie, Chuck, Nina, Morris, Maya, and Shane on Aqueduct trail hike
We opted for a more challenging hike on our second day at Keystone. Connie and Morris had previously done the hike starting at the Mayflower parking lot, hiking to the old mine area, and taking the same trail back. But the map showed a 5.5 mile loop so we decided to try it. This hike offered beautiful views and we even got to touch some snow. When we got to the top of the ridge, we lost the trail. After wandering around a bit we eventually spotted some cairns and got back on the trail. But we lost it again and ended up on the highway, and not back at the Mayflower parking lot. Nina walked almost the whole way all by herself, although she did insist on stopping for lots of snacks. Lorrie carried her the last bit to the parking lot.
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina, Shane, Chuck, Morris, Maya, and Connie on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina o Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Maya and Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Chipmunk on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Chuck, Nina, and Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Chuck, Shane, and Maya on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Lorrie, Shan, Maya, Chuck, and Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Shane, Maya, Chuck, and Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Connie on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Connie on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Chuck on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Chuck and Morris on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Connie, Maya, Shane, Morris, and Chuck on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Morris and Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Morris and Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina, Connie, Chuck, Morris, Shane, and Maya on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Chuck, Morrie, Maya, and Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Connie, Chuck, Maya, Morris, and Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina touching snow on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Chuck, Connie, Morris, Maya, Nina and Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Connie on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Morris and Chuck check the map on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike - does anyone know where we are?
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Connie, Shane, Morris, Nina, Chuck, and Maya on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Maya on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Shane, Maya, and Connie on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina building a cairn on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike - this is the view shown in the trail book
Connie, Nina, Chuck, and Morris on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina, Chuck, and Shane on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
Nina, Maya, Chuck, Shane, and Morris find the highway on Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop hike
After our 6-mile hike on day 2, we opted for a shorter hike on day 3. We decided to hike to the Sts. John mine. The trail up to the mine was fairly steep and rocky. We enjoyed the view at the top and looking at the old mine. Shane and Maya found some interesting rocks.
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Shane on Sts. John mine hike
Nina on Sts. John mine hike
Maya on Sts. John mine hike
Chuck, Morris, and Maya on Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Nina and Maya on Sts. John mine hike
Lorrie on Sts. John mine hike
Connie on Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Shane with fools gold rock on Sts. John mine hike
Maya with rock on Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Chuck, Connie, Nina, Maya, Shane and Morris on Sts. John mine hike
mining equipment on Sts. John mine hike
Shane on Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
mushroom on Sts. John mine hike
Maya, Shane, and Nina snacking on Sts. John mine hike... mmm.... raisins
Sts. John mine hike
Sts. John mine hike
Maya, Chuck, and Nina on Sts. John mine hike
Shane, Chuck and Nina on Sts. John mine hike
Our plan for day 4 was to hike up to the Continental Divide at Loveland Pass. However, a tanker truck crash closed the road so we couldn't get there. Instead, we took the Keystone gondola up to the top of the ski area and walked around up there. When we got back we rented some canoes on Dillon Lake (but we didn't bring our camera because we didn't want it to get wet). After dinner (at a Japanese restaurant with a "funny chef") we went on the gondola again and watched the sunset from the top of the mountain.
Maya on Keystone gondola
Nina and Connie on Keystone gondola
Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Nina at Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Nina at Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Lorrie, Maya, Chuck, Nina, and Shane at Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Morris, Maya, Connie, Nina, and Shane at Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Maya, Shane, Connie and Nina looking at magic carpet at Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Keystone, near the top of the gondola
mountain bikers at Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Lorrie, Chuck, Shane, Maya, and Nina at Keystone, near the top of the gondola
Keystone tubing hill
Keystone gondola
Caution drive slowly snow mobile warning at keystone
Shane, Nina and Maya sitting on a log on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Shane, Nina and Maya sitting on a log on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Connie on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Chuck and Morris on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Nina and Connie on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Chuck on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Maya and Nina snacking on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Connie and Morris on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Lorrie on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
on hike around top of Keystone expert ski slopes
Nina on Keystone gondola
Shane on keystone gondola
Shane, Nina, Connie, and Morris on bridge looking for trout at Keystone
Maya, Shane and Nina opening the door at Keystone condo
Nina in Keystone condo living room
Nina using chopsticks at Japanese restaurant
Nina, Maya, and Shane on deck of Keystone fondue restaurant
Lorrie, Shane, Nina, Maya, and Chuck on deck of Keystone fondue restaurant
Morris and Connie on deck of Keystone fondue restaurant
View from deck of Keystone fondue restaurant
Shane near Keystone gondola
Maya, Nina and Connie on keystone gondola
Sunset at Keystone near top of gondola
Shane, Chuck, and Maya at sunset at Keystone near top of gondola
Lorrie, Chuck, Nina, Maya, and Shane at sunset at Keystone near top of gondola
Nina and Chuck at sunset at Keystone near top of gondola
Sunset at Keystone near top of gondola
On our last full day at Keystone we went to a musical performance of The Ant and the Grasshopper and played on the playground. We also went shopping for Keystone shirts.
Nina and Shane at the Ant and the Grasshopper show
Nina with the Aunt and the Grasshopper cast after the show
Shane playing on keystone playground