Carnegie Mellon University's privacy protection policy (first draft)

The following policy pertains only to sites that begin with the url: "". This means that other divisions of Carnegie Mellon such as the computer science department ( and are not covered, but are encouraged to adopt their own policies based more specifically on the types of data that they collect, and the purposes for which they collect this data.

Carnegie Mellon University ( currently collects several types of information. The first is that that is contained in a standard web server log, which includes your IP address, the referer web site, and information about your computer (operating system, web browser). This information is only used by Carnegie Mellon University staff to help improve the quality of the site. In addition this website offers users the opportunity to give us data needed to complete services for clients, such as email address, home address, and other contact information we may use to provide you with any data you want from us. All of this information will be used for the purposes specified, as well as by system administrators to help us improve the quality of our website. All the information that is collected will not be shared with any other companies or organizations except when required by law. The data will be stored indefinitely, but will not be used for any purposes other than those stated in this version of the policy, should the policy change in the future. Any questions or comments concerning the privacy policy should be directed to vmp at andrew dot cmu dot edu.

Here are some links to the various privacy policies regarding different sub-divisions of CMU.



Data and computer security

Free Speech

Student Rights


Faculty Offices

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