CMU Privacy Policy Mini Project Drafts

Part 3 - Draft Privacy Policy

Imagine that the CMU privacy policy committee has decided to post a web site privacy policy for CMU. The committee has decided that the policy should include:

Create a web page or set of web pages that includes all of these components. Ideally, you should post this web page (suitably labeled as a draft for a course project and not the official CMU policy) and include the URL in your homework. If you are unable to post it yourself, please email the HTML file(s) to me and I will post them. (We are posting them so that you can each review each others' drafts, but they will be publicly accessible.) I am interested in seeing not only the content of what you put into your draft policy, but also how you write and format it so that it is easily understandable. Feel free to borrow ideas from some of the other policies you looked at. The policy you create should match current CMU practice as best you can determine. There will probably be some areas where you don't really know what the current policy or practice is. In those cases, write the policy to reflect what you think it should be, both from the perspective of protecting privacy as well as being practical in the CMU environment.

Please turn in:

  1. the URL for your policy (or email me your policy file)
  2. A list of points in the privacy policy that the committee should go over to make sure they agree that this is the appropriate policy. For each one provide an explanation about the recommendation in your draft.
  3. A list of the URLs or other sources that you borrowed ideas from and a brief explanation of what ideas you borrowed from each.

Student Drafts

Part 5 - Revise Draft Privacy Policy

I have divided the class into the following sub-committees, each chaired by a graduate student:

Candice, Bella, Vincent, Ramya

Pei-Chao, Ben, Matt, Christina

Ashish, Indrani, Eduardo

Each committee should produce a new draft of the policy, using your Part 4 work as a starting point. The chair should post the policy (or delegate this to someone else) and submit the URL to me.

Committee Drafts

Candice's committee

Pei-Chao's committee

Ashish's committee

Part 6 - Draft P3P Policy